Furthering that pretty good Prometheus theory (though still not redeeming the whole thing because that’s goddamn impossible): The Second Coming of Space Jesus
Also, the hosts of some show called NFL Kick Off crammed as many Princess Bride references as they possibly could into their half hour show and it’s been compiled here
This also looks interesting: aupcoming HBO documentary called About Face that speaks with former supermodels and talks about plastic surgery and the business of beauty.
“It would be nice if Brave was a little more authentically Scottish but then they would have to change the name to Fuck You, Ya Prick and it wouldn’t get a PG rating outside of Scotland.”
I keep telling myself that the last post about Prometheus would, well… be the last post about Prometheus, but this concise list of 43 ‘lessons’ learned from the science from the film, then led to this post-viewing analysis that is now my official favourite response to the film.
“Non-reading is not just the absence of reading. It is a genuine activity, one that consists of adopting a stance in relation to the immense tide of books that protects you from drowning. On that basis, it deserves to be defended and even taught.”
And for your funny late show segment of the day, here’s 30 Rock’s nice guy Jack McBrayer and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog visiting the Weiner Circle, Chicago’s infamously hostile hot dog stand.
So, this weeks internet appears to have been brought to you by the letter ‘Prometheus’ as pretty much every site or blog I go to has some opinion, or reference to an opinion about it.
I’m definitely a fence sitter in that I love pretty much every single technical/design aspect of the film, while finding the story and thematic concepts wholly underwhelming in contrast. I also just realised that on reflection, I could also be disappointed with the ‘science’/realism of the film (like the fact the entire plot revolves around journeying to a star formation that in all probability, has shifted position/alignment since being first painted 35,000 years ago); but now I’m slowly realising that my new understandings of physics has ruined the potential to ever fully enjoy another action (or sci-fi) film.
Anyhow, the online reactions and discussions have been quite illuminating; from literary analysis and theological allusions to simple hilarious hate, but my current favourite is probably this video where a group of friends decided to watch the entire Alien/Predator chronology of films and record their ratings before heading off the Prometheus itself. Good fun.
Must also add this short making-of featurette on the fantastic soundscape of Prometheus.
Say what you will about the newly released Prometheus (and prettymucheveryone does), but this parody of the Happy Birthday David video by Joel McHale of Community fame is just great fun…