The Olympics and Photos

First modern Olympic Games in Athens, 1894 – via

Two very interesting Olympics based items popped up today. The first is a collection of photos from the Olympics of past that goes all the way back to the very first games. That can be found here.

And also, this video that profiles just what professional photographers will go through to cover events like track and field from every angle to get that one shot.

Today’s bookmarks

Finally, a recording still for the ages: In 1996, just months before he died, Carl Sagan recorded this message to future colonists living on Mars.

Today’s bookmarks

Also, here’s the trailer for Zero Dark Hour, the new film from Hurt Locker director Katherine Bigelow about the events of SEAL Team Six and the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Slightly underwhelming, but I’m still looking forward to it.

Olympic Commentator of 2012

This Irish man takes on the sport of sailing (and it’s spectators) in grand fashion.

UPDATE: Video has been taken down because the IOC hate awesomeness existing on the internet. Mirror video available here.

Today’s bookmarks

A slideshow by renowned animal photographer Tim Flach with annotations about their body language

In science/tech:

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