Earth: 1,000 years of wars

This.  The animation is of minimal quality, the sound is stock and the song is well past the point of being overused; and yet… the imagery and scale one gets from watching this is damn impressive.

It really puts into an odd visual perspective just how bloody our planet’s history has been and despite the atrocities of just the last 100 years, I still maintain the position that our world today has finally learned something about large scale conflicts and will never as a globally communicative engage in such large scale operations again…  well, I find the concept of that inconceivable at least.


It’s 1 in the morning, the rain in the city tonight has been mental and I just realised that I’ve not slept properly for nearly the last week or so…  whoops.

Mostly it’s because the majority of my awake time has been spent playing Battlefield 3 till some irresponsible time in the morning.  So now, I’m going to bed and getting a decent enough night’s sleep.  That was my thinking until I watched this full 20 minute clip of an incredible gaming rig that sets a player up in a fully goddamn immerse 360 degree dome, with motion sensors, ambient lights, freaking paintball guns and aw hell…  here’s the trailer…

Oh baby…  No.  Sleep.  Definitely sleeping.