Goddamn Mondays

Woke up this morning to the sound of glass smashing. Thanks crappy garage door and insane winds combo. You’re a winner.

Meanwhile, well aware how behind I am, have taken measures to catch up on the fact that I’ve not been watching movies that much. Not as much as usual anyhow. And I seem to be buying lots of DVDs buts not watching them all. I won’t mention the exact number/ratio to the total number of DVDs, but it’s pretty bad. So the current aim is to watch about two or three movies watched per day till I’ve caught up, which ain’t too impractical of a number, it’ll just take a while… maybe a few months. (yeah, that many).

Internet has been pretty quiet the last few days and everything else in general really. Well… nothing worth blogging about. Unless you can write about writing? Pfft. Boring.

So here’s an article of pure baddassery where a man wrestled with a 12 foot tiger shark for two hours to save his friend (with pictures!) here.

And a video of epic wtf proportions…

Yeah, I’m just as confused as to why I posted that too. And now I go in search of coffee, cause Mondays suck and my head feels a little like this Gary Busey gif…