Best Ever Movie Review Ever

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, but decided I’d leave it to a post onto its own…

Go watch Stardust.

If you’ve already seen it, go watch it again. If you don’t want to go alone, I’ll totally come along to see it again with you. And if you don’t want to see it… I’ll just hate you with full blown Nazi AIDS hate.

I’ve gone on about it before about how its like one of my all time favourite super awesome-o mega loved books and I’ve always read good things from the authour about how excellent an adaptation of the book it is and just watching the trailers about how sexy cool awesome it is and having watched it… holy crap my pants giga awesome it sure as hell is indeed. Great adaptation. Totally fun. Awesome everything. And I soiled myself with such delight watching it, my bowel movements were also applauding the film.

Best movie review ever? Yeah, best movie review ever… man, I’d love one of those taglines of mine to be used on a film poster one day…

“You’ll shit your pants with awesome!” -Chris Tan