
Disappeared for a bit there. I’ve been watching a new movie pretty much whenever I’m not working and it’s been great, but leaves little time for other things like blogging as one might notice. Been keeping close to the average set out in the last post though. About 10 movies watched in the last four days. Think I might take a break tonight, but that could change later.

Meanwhile, I’ve started up a twitter account which you might notice on the sidebar. Something of a tester just for September, but so far… meh. Find it fairly redundant to be posting about what I’m doing all the time and haven’t even bothered to use the mobile phone feature cause honestly… who the hell wants to know that I’m at the supermarket or what movie I’m watching or how many cancers I’ve cured in an afternoon? I mean, asides from the obligatory stalker, but they’ve already got this blog. Mind you, if they wanna real time stalk, more power to them… the hell am I saying?

Pretty tired now, so a few links and then yeah, why not? Let’s do one more movie tonight…

The Pixies have announced a one off gig next year and I’m pretty damn keen to get myself a ticket. [full article]

A website that gives recipes on how to transform your fast food takeaways into gourmet looking meals. Definitely worth checking out. A simple favourite is a KFC meal into a chicken corn chowder amongst many others. [https://www.fancyfastfood.com]

Good ol’ New Scientist brings us 13 More Things That Don’t Make Sense.

And finally a featurette for Wes Anderson’s upcoming adaptation of The Fantastic Mr Fox. I can’t wait. Apple HD options can be found here. Else embedded below.


Yeah, I know it’s been almost two months since I last blogged anything. I think that’s the longest I’ve ever gone without posting something in all these years of blogging. But I could be wrong.

Anyway, since then, I’ve moved house again, caught a buttload of films at the film festival, celebrated several events, saw off an alarming number of friends going abroad and bought and watched many more movies. There’s also been some writing going on, but that’s still on the down low.

Plenty of people have been chasing me up on the fact that I haven’t blogged in a while and well… Can’t argue with that. But now I’m coming back at it like a crack addict.

Have spent the week writing up some new code and adding to this website (which is another thing I’ve been long overdue in doing). You probably wouldn’t have noticed, but there’s a [#] symbol under the titles of each post now. Clicking on them or the time posted or the post titles themselves now lead to that particular post on its own page. Something I had meant to do since forever and finally figured out how to.

The film section has now been expanded and each film has it’s own subpage, though there are some are still lacking in a video, but that’ll be fixed soon. The current place I’m at is great, but it’s severely lacking in a decent internet connection. More specifically, I’ve had to do all my surfing at a horrible dial up speed, which makes the prospect of uploading videos to be a tedious task.

There’s also now finally something in the extras section: The Saga of the Seafood Stalker. It’s something that has been going on for the last few months and while I’ve been updating people on these strange events through facebook, I’ve always meant to dedicate a whole section for it here and for the rest of the web to see.

Given the lapse in time since the last post, I figured it’s as good an excuse as any to finally get around to writing these pages and have something to show for the near two months of silence, as opposed to a post that just says whoops. Plus I just covered that in the title.

Anyways, enough of all that, I’m back and onto the real blogging…

Mornin’ Blog…

Happy third Birthday Blog. Lost an ipod today but as compensation, here’s a 48 Hours regional winner prize instead.

…the hell?

Website V3.0

Meet the new website. Incorporating elements from previous site designs and a new site code, this is pretty much just a prettier version. Most notable is the return of the random banner, which people missed most with the last redesign and I did too.

So far the code has worked for everywhere except this bloody blog part where the archives sidebar is interfering with the goddamn blog itself and I’m too tired right now to figure out why the hell that’s the case. So for now, unfortunately, you’ll just have to put up with this really strange gap cause I need to get myself a drink or twelve.

Ugh… pt2

Still coding in new website design. Still taking ages. I hate coding.

Here’s a video of my personal hero Christopher Doyle being Christopher Doyle that’s kept me a little happy tonight…

…birds are chirping outside. I’m going the fuck to bed.


Have been spending the last few days (and nights) tinkering a slightly new web design that utilises CSS which is something I’ve been meaning to do for a very long time and now I know why I’ve been putting it off for so long. Ugly HTML coding is so much easier, but most definitely one ugly bitch. Anyway, be a while before thats fully up and running and also more than enough techno mumbo jumbo bullshit for one post.

Tonight is the Hamilton kick-off of It Came From the Swamp! so if your not up to anything tonight, feel like watching some high caliber short films and want to support the local film making community, come on down to the Victoria Cinemas before 8pm tonight. I’ll the be one drunk out front making rude gestures to old ladies and small children.

Why yes, it certainly has been quiet recently…

Time to step out of the shadows I suppose. Been doing stuff and mostly not achieving anything, but overall hanging out with mates.

There’s been more buying of stuff, which I believe is always good for the soul, though not for the wallet. But I must mention that a parcel of nine sweet Godard films is now five weeks overdue and I’ve come to the conclusion it’s probably not going to turn up anytime soon. That revelation is a bit of damper.

But overall, not a helluva lot has been going on. There’s been several birthdays which I’ve managed to almost forget all off. People have been coming and going and I can’t help but feel this is all just that calm before the storm. Hopefully by storm, I mean busload of strippers parks itself in my driveway, but we’ll see.

Stuff I should mention is that this week is the last week of Future Te Aroha’s production of Little Shop of Horrors. People I know are in it and made it so go check it out. Here’s the poster.

A video of a bar being served by a monkey. I don’t know what exactly this is, but it is quite possibly the greatest thing on the face of this earth ever ever.

Pictures of The Most Alien Looking Place on Earth. And I’d agree.

And the photo of the week that made me laugh…

Oh and I just noted that the counter is past 1000, but no one has claimed their prize yet. No rush either.

Fresh Berries For You

Impressively, this site is starting to near 1000 hits which is so cool I’m gonna do a repeat of what I did last time my site neared 1000 hits, offer a sweet prize to whoever is the 1000th visitor or nearest to after the fact. You can take screen caps by pressing alt + print screen which will copy an image to your clipboard. Save it, send it to me and you could also win one of these…

And second prize is you all have to suffer through this.

Where is your god now?

One Way Overdue Post

I’d completely forgotten to upload it and was only reminded it wasn’t up last night, so finally here is our regional winning 48 Hours film: “Sum of All Parts”

Also artworks section has finally been uploaded, though not updated since the old site. New drawings to come soon. Almost feels like there’s progress going on with this site…

I Can See My Goddamn Balls Again!

Welcome back to the new and not so slightly improved website.

The last few months have been suckaballs boring without this site and blog to write to (which in itself is sad) and finally after waiting hands on foot for my web host to get their shit sorted and get my account up and running, I just went fuck it and went to another provider.

Whilst at it, I’ve gone for a slightly new site design, which to the dismay of some gets rid of the funky picture changing banner which I myself am not too sure on doing, so would love to hear from anyone what their thoughts on this new look is like for them.

Had a small debate with myself on whether to start this blog afresh or continue the old one which is thankfully stored on the blogger servers as well, but also links to a lot of files that aren’t on this new server and were deleted with the last one. But over time I’ll be sorting out those kinks as well, hopfully re-uploading them or just deleting posts here and there.

At this point in writing, the site is pretty much nothing but this blog and the frontpage, but I’ll be adding more and more to it as time goes by and with a whole bunch of stuff I’ve been meaning to put up since last year, along with bits and bobs of sweet Web2.0 oddities. Hooray.

So, enough of that boring shite, stay tuned and welcome back, feels great to be blogging again and a quick check the archives has me starting back up just a day before this site’s 2nd birthday. Happy birthday internet. I’ve missed you.