Pictures of You – Day 19/20 blog

The internet hates me and I have a bad tendency of forgetting to pay my internet space bill. But filming chugs along as usual and I write this post knowing it wont be seen til at least another day or twos time.

It’s like I’m talking to the future!

Anyway, tonight the show reel is finally approved and posted to youtube. Viewable either here or just…

Pictures of You – Day 18 blog

Very productive day today. Shot off about two hours of footage and got off five scenes in one day today. We even had a decent turn out of extras to fill out a classroom.

As intended in an earlier post, here are some more pretty stills.

And hopefully by tomorrow, the showreel will be approved for digital distribution. Hooray.

Pictures of You – Day 16/17 blog

Quick post as computer decided to suddenly throw a hissy fit at me and totally freeze, thus losing all my blogger work and images I was screen grabbing for this post.

So instead, I’m going to go finally see the Prestige and be able to say “damn, that was a great film y’all!”

Oh, didn’t do a day 16 post yesterday as I simply came home, tried to do some fine cutting/onlining of the showreel, but instead collapsed in an exhausted heap and slept all night and morning. But we had a relatively short day today and boldy shot a one shot scene, which will hopefully go well when put together, but who knows. Anyway, the showreel is almost fully finished, with edits and colours awaiting full approval before I can upload it and/or mail off DVD copies to the lucky few of you.

Right, off to the movies I go. Been a long time since I’ve actually been to one.

Dead Editor Chris Day

Have just finished an all nighter, cutting together a showreel for our media day today. Currently being burnt to DVD, lets hope it doesn’t somehow magically catch on fire. Hopefully the showreel is decent enough, I’ve not had enough time to fine cut some of the edits and even less time to properly go through colour correction. Here’s hoping its not going to be too bad for the press.

Right. Several more copies to make, a bajillion coffees (and some) and I’m off to shoot.