Today’s Bookmarks…
Mon, 27 Aug 2012
Amphipod: zoomed in from 1 milimeter to 500 nanometers
- New nuclear fuel source would power human race until 5000 AD
- Stanford biologist and computer scientist discover the ‘anternet’
- Semen: Nature’s antidepressant?
- Simple animations to explain complex principles
- A gallery visualizing the properties of turbulence
- Big Think: The Neuroscience of Creativity and Insight
- The most likely to order late night take out? Art students.
- English language ‘originated in Turkey’
- Millennials: The Cheapest Generation
- Fake Bus Stops For Alzheimer’s patients in Germany
- Surviving a Death Sentence: 27 Years With HIV
- A Different Justice: Why Anders Breivik Only Got 21 Years for Killing 77 People
- A couple I disagree with, but the accusations I can’t deny: The 20 Worst Hipster Bands
- Gangnam Style, Dissected: The Subversive Message Within South Korea’s Music Video Sensation
Lastly, another asshole cat…