
FyVXxEvolution of the alphabet

I really should be posting this stuff more often rather than piling up these posts over the course of days. Well, should…

Hyper-Digested Bookmarks

Mexico’s Haunting Underwater Sculptures

Bookmarks 27/11/12

The Complete MSL Curiosity Descent (in HD)

Was going to post and comment on this write up’s ‘counter-arguement’ on Curiosity’s cultural investment/benefits, but then this high resolution footage of the rover’s decent phase from the rover’s point-of-view came out and the thinking is simply: Who care? It’s still goddamn amazing enough that we’ve got a friggin’ Tank of Science on another planetary body.

UPDATE: some reddit user has interpolated the original’s images, creating a ‘smoother’ 25 fps version of the original video. Nice.

Today’s bookmarks…

Finally, here’s a short video of the aptly named Teddy, the asshole cat…

Today’s bookmarks

Finally, a recording still for the ages: In 1996, just months before he died, Carl Sagan recorded this message to future colonists living on Mars.