Head Fuzz
Fri, 19 Jul 2013
You can change the direction of this train just by looking at it.
40,000 LEDs and a perfect tree
And here’s a super cut of memes over the years. It’s titled ‘A Mess of Memes’, but the jury is still out on that pluralisation.
Amphipod: zoomed in from 1 milimeter to 500 nanometers
Lastly, another asshole cat…
Souced from one of the original movie gif tumblrs if we don’t, remember me, comes a collection of 30 Stanley Kubrick gifs that do a wonderful job of showcasing how arresting the legendary filmmaker’s visual style was.
Also, apparently these kind of gifs are now called cinemagraphs. All these new words the internet is inventing, and I’ve only just started properly considering tumblr sites as blog sites (of sorts).
Damn kids and lawns and stuff.
More at filmmakeriq.com
It’s been a growing (if not re-emerging) trend of looping .gif files on the internet and I’m totally digging it. One site in particular is https://iwdrm.tumblr.com/ where the pictures are themed around movies and quotes from them and the quality and selections are really, really good.
This one isn’t from a film (I think), but I really like it and will just leave it here as well…