Why yes, it certainly has been quiet recently…

Time to step out of the shadows I suppose. Been doing stuff and mostly not achieving anything, but overall hanging out with mates.

There’s been more buying of stuff, which I believe is always good for the soul, though not for the wallet. But I must mention that a parcel of nine sweet Godard films is now five weeks overdue and I’ve come to the conclusion it’s probably not going to turn up anytime soon. That revelation is a bit of damper.

But overall, not a helluva lot has been going on. There’s been several birthdays which I’ve managed to almost forget all off. People have been coming and going and I can’t help but feel this is all just that calm before the storm. Hopefully by storm, I mean busload of strippers parks itself in my driveway, but we’ll see.

Stuff I should mention is that this week is the last week of Future Te Aroha’s production of Little Shop of Horrors. People I know are in it and made it so go check it out. Here’s the poster.

A video of a bar being served by a monkey. I don’t know what exactly this is, but it is quite possibly the greatest thing on the face of this earth ever ever.

Pictures of The Most Alien Looking Place on Earth. And I’d agree.

And the photo of the week that made me laugh…

Oh and I just noted that the counter is past 1000, but no one has claimed their prize yet. No rush either.

Yam, The King of Crops

So along with not smoking (two weeks now), I’m attempting to spend August on not buying things. Well, non-essential things. Last month turned out to be quite the spend spree for me with four to five trips back and forth from Auckland, the watching of many movies and buying of many many DVDs and books. Hell, I’ve still got about fifteen to twenty ordered from amazon and ebay shipped in from overseas (and overseas shipping sucks these days). So yeah, the rest of the month is dedicated to spending only on bills and food. And not junk food either seeing as I’m also trying this whole ‘healthy thing’ now. Something that would make “2007 Chris Tan” sick.

So that kinda leaves August with the cause to finish reading and watching all the books and DVDs I’ve bought and borrowed rather than stockpiling them like a cultural nuclear winter is on the horizon, which of course is bollocks as we all know the no-culture stupid virus already hit us during the mid 90s.

Oh and part of not buying ‘non-essentials’ includes the buying of alcohol. You’d think this would be something horribly drastic and a little bit of a stretch for me, but no. With how much I’ve stockpiled of that and reserved. Big no.

So yeah, that’s about it. Here’s a video/article on the blowing up of a WW2 bomb in London. Awesome.

And I’m late on this, but this is a super cool video series by this guy and his site Where The Hell is Matt? and it’s smile inducingly great.

Still Alive

I’ve been lazy with this site and since the last post have attended three weddings in one week, been working like a dog, living as a hermit to the world and at times, working on a feature length script with the remarkably talented Ross which I really like and am not so much working on it with him, but more like standing over his shoulder at times, throwing in the odd comment and idea to make it feel like I’m actually contributing something. But pretty excited about that and other stuff to be mention next time.

Got back yesterday from a few days off on the road helping out some friends filming and generally visiting the good people of other cities and drinking booze. Also shopped a little excessively and bought a digital camera, some CDs and DVDs and couple hundred worth of books.

But best story I got out of all of this is I almost died Saturday night/Sunday Morning.

Was driving along the motorway at the dead of night and had just changed the music when I noticed up ahead that there was a car that looked like it didn’t have its headlights on. Not too long after, I realised that that particular car was getting bigger and bigger and then the thought “oh shit, that car is on the wrong side of the motorway and heading straight for me” and we’re both at top speed.

Then it flicked its headlights on as I veered into the next lane to avoid it. Doing so I spun out several times in the middle of the road, the other car just zips on past and I come to a full stop in the middle of the motorway facing the opposite way and watch as the cars that were ‘behind me’ come to a full stop just short of hitting me.

So hazard lights, a wave of OK to the others and pushing my flooded car to the side of the road, I called the cops and though I couldn’t give a description, there was cop that had pulled over a speeder a couple of kilometers back and hopefully that douchebag was caught. I haven’t seen anything of this in the news, so hopefully no one was hurt because of it, but man, that was close and lucky whoever the hell it was didn’t switch lanes either.

It was a pretty narrow miss too. A couple of seconds off and would have been a pretty messy scene considering at least I was going top speed and it would have been head on. But hey, I had changed the music over to Lovage just beforehand, so at least I would have died to some damn fine music.

Tired Post

More DVD goodness, this time in the form of Last Life In the Universe. One of my favourites from last year, I’m gonna be flaunting this onto people to watch and bask in it’s glory. There’s not much features on this region 1 disc, but I’m currently in the middle of listening to the Christopher Doyle commentary track and it’s like the vestal virgins making love in my ears. The man is a genius with a camera and this is such an invaluable track to be listening to I’m digging it. Totally digging it.

It looks like I’ve got the consumer whore bug again. Starting to float around more and more online stores everyday and at this rate, I’m quite possibly gonna hit 400 titles by the middle of the year, but that also has to take into account the several dozen DVDs of my own that are being borrowed and floating around the country somewhere… actually, come to think of it, one of my DVDs is in Japan… that Naoki bastard. Where the hell is he these days anyway?

Anyway… here’s Osama Team Hunger Force… have I posted this before? I can’t remember.

Neon Orange Glimmer Song

Again, posts getting infrequent. But then again, not much going on.

Some lovely bouts of drinking over the weekend. Had some ‘last’ drinks with some uni folks and got nicely drunk with Malcolm, who flies out next Monday, for quite an indefinite time. He shall be missed.

But the hangover was awesome and today is my third day off work and not much has been achieved. Editing on Spit-Takes became quite a scary task and though there is probably enough footage, at this point it’ll be debatable if anything worthwhile will be usable for Paul to take down on to Wellington. But in saying that, the current edit of Pictures of You is looking quite nice. I’ll be doing some basic colour corrections on the footage before its taken down tomorrow and hopefully be able to make it to a cheap Tuesday viewing of Black Sheep afterwards.

Also got caught with the consumerism whore bug and bought my first DVDs in a long time… actually, seven movies… Children of Men, Desperado, El Mariachi, Jarhead, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Sonatine and The Wild Bunch. Plus a random look on trademe and I’ve found an auction for a CD/DVD rack exactly like the ones I’m currently using. Which, like when the last one (the second) was purchased, it was due to a demand to get new shelf space for the huge overflow of guilty purchases. I’ve actually had this problem for about two years now and to actually find a third one is insanely good fortune (cause they were really cheap things to buy, but are reliably good for DVD storage) and by the looks of the pile that’s already built up, I’ll be need a fourth one really soon.

Who’s looking forward to 300, Pan’s Labyrinth and The Illusionist this week? The thought of all those movies has got me so turned on.