Man-Flu: the only thing worth blog writing about in six months…

Posts were going to be sporadic for this week as I’m currently down with the flu, but then I realised that most of my ‘time off’ is being spent online anyhow; so really, not much of a difference.

Did manage to spend almost all of yesterday cleaning and organising through my computer’s 8TBs of data/documents/files/images/videos/DIY pagan rituals… and you know what? I think I’ve finally found a practical application for all those hours spent playing RPG games and micromanaging the shit out of my backpack slots.

All that’s left is to sort through the one folder that I’ve been dumping image files into for the last year or so.

What’s that? Over 5,000 unordered, unlabeled images?

Yeah, I’m going the hell back to bed.


Posts have been sporadic lately, due in part to an increasingly busy workload and over-accumulation of side projects; but it’s also made me aware of the fact that from time to time, I should really start using this ‘blog’ as an actual ‘blog’ again, rather than posting all the crazy/fun stuff I’m collecting around the internet in the name of ahem, ‘research’ (might as well make it a tumblr site if that were the case).

But even ignoring pre-Cretaceous incarnations of this blog, I’ve been posting on and off for over six years and have no intentions to stop just yet. Hell, there’s even a new design/code for this site in the pipeline (finally!) that’ll roll out soon once I find some more time to work out the kinks in it.

So, consider this the first of…  let’s say, the occasional (and ideally brief), ‘editorial’ and/or personal update of both an entertaining and tasteful manner.

Yes, that instead just made me think of highly distasteful self-nudes.

No, it’s much too early (and blindingly sober) in the morning for any of that yet.


Been a crazy week of work and finally, I’m having a quiet night in, unwinding on beer and restitude, which will consist of cleaning, television and you, dear internet.

Work included some design work for the mayoress’ ball, which was set up to include ten fuck off massive projected screens measuring over  8 by 6 meters wide.  Photo supplied…

So that was cool.

Also, I attended the 12th annual 24 Hours Movie Marathon over the weekend, which sadly, only makes it my second time attending since last year, but since then, I most certainly intend to keep going to for as long as it can go.  Where else can you go park your ass in a cinema for a whole day starting from Lee Marvin to Jeffrey Combs with mandroids and the devil in between?  As a stain on the inside of a film lovers’ pants is where.  Worth it.

Best thing from it though, is its really helped in kicking the movie watching hangover since last year’s exhausting 365 movies in 365 days project, so I’m starting to feel much better adjusted to commence watching some more flicks again.  Yes.