Now this…

…is pretty sweet.  Doesn’t look like much on first glance, but it’s a picture of Obama and his team watching a video feed of the raid on Bin Laden.

And just as I’m about to hit post on this, there’s a great Times write up on it to be found here: After Uncertainty, a Moment of Triumph in the Situation Room: ‘We’ve IDed Geronimo’

The President sat stone-faced through much of the events. Several of his aides, however, were pacing. For long periods of time, nobody said a thing, as everyone waited for the next update. In the modern age, Presidents can experience their own military actions like a video game, except that they have no control over the events. They cannot, and would not, intervene to contact the commanders running the operation. So when word came that a helicopter had been grounded, a sign that the plan was already off course, the tension increased.

What’s awesome?

A Japanese Obama action figure. With inter changeable ties, weapons, a microphone, American flag and what’s that? Lightsabers you say? I’ll take three.

And catching up on some 30 Rock, here’s the best scene from season two and Alec Balwin at his finest…