Comissioned by Good Books, this is one helluva slick piece of animation and music. There’s a voice over version here, but the almost caricature Depp is kind of distracting and as you’ll see in this version below, just the music and visuals are more than enough.
Fuck yeah.
UPDATE: The sound and music only version appears to have been replaced by the original voice over one. Have included a youtube version in the meantime.
My brother sent me a video this week of a 3D render of the galaxies imaged in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (wikipedia entry): a series of images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope between 2003 and 2004 that looks back approximately 13 billion years ago and images about 10,000 galaxies.
Not stars mind you. Galaxies. Each one possible of holding billions or trillions of star systems.
And this wasn’t through a big patch of the sky either, but in a tiny region of space the size of a square millimeter held a metre away from your eye. That leaves out 12.7 million single cubic millimetre patches of sky that possibly yields some similar results.
Like the following video says, all those figures are too huge of a figure to just compute in the human brain. And I’d agree.
I read of this image being taken some years ago, but it wasn’t till about a year ago when I stumbled across this image file that compares the scale of our solar system to that of the known universe and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field itself, that I had the pleasure of properly getting my brain’s nutsacks blown off.
It’s a big file (approx 1.5megs), so I’m not gonna post it here directly, but check it out and scroll through from the top and It’ll be sure to put some decent insignificance spice into your food for thought soup. Trivial things happen every day and our lives continually shift because of it, but with a little science, it’s pretty easy to put things into perspective of how tiny we all really are and blah, blah, blah, the existential thinking, just check out what I’m talking about here.
Anyway, going back to the original point of it, here’s the video and a full in depth examination article of the Ultra Field worth checking out here.
Totally cool, this is a time-lapse video of the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy rising over Texas from 9:20 PM to 6:43 AM on April 21-22, 2009. Totally awesome.
Continuing on a love of Craig Robinson and porn. Here’s Craig Robinson in the lastest PG Porn video. Hilarity.
Probably the last Watchmen related thing I’ll post. Not that I’ve been posting much about Watchmen. Not that I really care. This video is amusing anyway.
The trailer for The Brothers Bloom is out and this is near the top of my can’t wait to see list of upcoming movies. Big love for Rian Johnson and Brick and the word is this is right up there. Check the proper HD trailer hereA.
And finally, coming back to porn, is Isabella Rossellini’s Green Porno, which is now out with a second season. Green Porno is a series of videos where Isabella Rossellini reenacts the animal kingdoms mating ritual with cardboard cutouts. I remember when the first season came out and it was a bitch to try to watch it outside of the US but now its all viewable in any country and viewable here. Its awesome.
Had a pretty damn good birthday shindig and many thanks to all who came along to celebrate. This week will see me enjoying the rockin’ sounds of Ryan Adams and drinking a farewell to a friend who’s jumping across the ditch to Australia just cause he can. The crazy bastard.
My friend Fin has resumed blogging again to which the world gives praise to Robot Jesus for. Commence reading his sultry words here at There’s a birthday post somewhere he made for me that includes a video of me some years back. I’m not gonna directly link to it, cause I’m passively embarrassed like that, but feel free to look for it yourself.
My other friend Joe also sent me this, it’s actually intended for Christmas, but his powers of procrastination can rival mine at times, so I’m gonna post it like its a birthday thing.
Actually, I also got sent this by Shoshana, originally taken during my birthday party. Don’t ask. I’m not even sure what I could give as an answer.
And finally, here’s a three cello rendition of The Final Countdown. Boosh!