Quick Shits

According to an article at stuff.co.nz top searches on google from New Zealand are words like ‘games’, ‘trademe’ and ‘bebo’. Bollocks I say, everyone knows the most searched things are ‘porn’, ‘boobs’ and ‘whats this wierd growth?’ I’d know, I’m an expert. Hell, even when I’m not on the internet, I’m searching for porn, so don’t go making up facts about the internet making it look clean stuff.co.nz. Just don’t.

The Criterion Collection have updated their website and now it’s full of resources and videos and other great things. I’ve been waiting on the exchange rate to ease up a little, but it just keeps fucking with me like a woman who could be a thai tranny, but won’t confirm that or not… er… but yeah, there has been some great recent Criterion releases, most importantly, a new edition of Chungking Express, which still sits near the top of my favourite films of all time. Anyway, check out the site and enjoy it here.