Not Long To Go…

Just watched Frank Darabont’s The Mist. I’ve never read a Stephen King story, nor hardly watched any of his other adaptations, but I’m starting to suspect I should. The Mist obviously isn’t a Shawshank or a Green Mile, being in a different genre and all, but damn, is it pretty good for what it is, human study in one screwed up situation. Or so I’d like to think. Or trying to think now. I really liked this film and recommend it to people to check out if they’re interested, but only to those really. If your not keen, this isn’t one of those films where I’ll be berating you to watch lest the devil come get you in the night. Actually, I do recommend watching it on one particular point, it has one of “those endings” that is pretty damn incredible and no doubt some fucker is going to ruin it for you, so better be him (or her) to it.

And in other news, about 15 hours to go till the 48 finals. Now I’ve stated earlier that I didn’t care if we win anything (except for music) and I still stand by that principal. But goddamn it, I just want to get this thing over and done with and not have to second guess anything or shrug off many people’s very kind words, which I’m very great full for, but man, do I hate surprises and all this sudden build up to the finals is starting to nag at me with mass tension and optimism. Been mostly balancing it off with some sweet pessimism. I’m actually hoping we get no where near the top, even in the wildcard pool, cause then that would just mean feeling the same anxious crap over again. Shit, there I go, starting to think optimistically again. Bad man. You’ll probably loose.

God its gonna be great to be drunk tonight.