48 Hours Recap
Thu, 29 May 2008
Funny, I can’t think of anything to post tonight, either I’ve been working too hard recently and just can’t think straight anymore, or I’ve suddenly become so delusional that all the stuff I wanted to post about while this blog was down are just downright boring. I blame our robot overlords.
So I’ll just do a recap of our 48 activity…
This year we once again entered into and competed in the V 48 Hour Filmmaking Competition where we drew horror as our genre and from what I gathered from the screening is that people generally liked it and were both disguisted, horrified and laughing at the same time, which is great, cause that was exactly our intention with the short.
Initially, I hated it upon submittal and thought we’d done a poor effort, or, I should really correct myself as everyone involved were awesome above and beyond the call of awesome duty. But at that point, I felt I had done a poor effort and not spent enough time editing the film together and getting the pacing just right and all sorts of blah, blah, blah, that was capped off with having only 25 minutes to go and our first few go’s of capturing the film back to tape were resulting in no sound (and lots of cursing from me). We only just barely made it in with roughly four minutes to the deadline and at that point, we had not watched the film in whole and only seen it in bits and pieces as there just wasn’t enough time during editing to watch it right through. So it was actually the heats screening where I got to watch it as a whole (due to a new rule of not being allowed to watch it at all by anyone after submittal) and with the bonus of having a full audience there as well, where we got the satisfaction of an audience ‘getting it’, or about as close to getting it, as it’s quite a dipolar film in its shock horror and comedy.
The thing I’m most proud of “Sum of All Parts” (films title) is the music by the good Ben Woollen and apart from caring if we make it to the city finals (just to be on the DVD, fingers crossed), is that he gets some recognition or something for the totally awesome music he contributed to the film, which truly made the bastard work. But we’ll see as there’s still five days to go till the city finalists are announced and a further nine days after that till the actual finals. Time be a bitch.
Anyway, the best part about doing the 48, apart from having done it, is that my energy and enthusiasm levels have once again come back up and I’m back in the routine of doing things to get things done. Or at least I’d like to think that’s the case. It’s part of why I’ve fasttracked this site back up and I’m back to planning a whole bunch of projects to be done which will be announced in due time. It’s good to be busy again. Thanks Chuck Norris.
Oh, one video/song I love and remembered to post… Cup of Brown Joy by Elemental. I have no idea who he is, but this video is great.