All That Time, Still Got Nothing

Man, the growing pressure of keeping this blog updated, I’m again getting messages that I haven’t updated it in a while and yeah, I’ll admit I’ve been lazy and not keeping up with it, but really, since the last post, next to nothing exciting has happened to me. For the last week I’ve been working everyday for long hours and with nothing much in between. Just coming off a few days off where I’ve basically locked myself in my room, played games and movies and basically tried to ignore the world for a few days. Which for the most of it, worked to a degree, but also I discovered emails and social networking messages can pile up quite quickly.

Anyway, for the next few weekends, I’ll be DPing on that Wintec short film that I was asked about nearly at the start of this year and have been planning ever since in between, which included a test shoot that turned out disastrously bad for my mental health and some minor run ins with the heads at Wintec, cause I’m just annoying like that. But yeah, all to be seen.

Meanwhile, some congrats should be mentioned… friend Ross is heading down to Wellington this weekend? Or was it next weekend? I dunno… hell, either way, he’s one of the shortlisted competitor for the… oh great, I forgotten what its called, the um… writer’s initiative? No? Well, either way, it’s a big thing that for some reason I’ve suddenly forgotten what its called, but its totally awesome and all the best of luck to him and his inhumanly creative brain.

And friend Arthur is heading down to Wellington as well in October to attend some student journalism award ceremony for his articles in the Waikato Uni’s Nexus magazine. I’ll possibly be going down with him just to have a weekend away and just get drunk and hobnob the night away. Possibly.

Anyway, hell, that’s all I’ve got for now. Tomorrow is another day of work and as much as I’d like to think that’ll be something to blog about, instead you can have two videos of hilarity…

First, this lady’s answer is just so smart, it makes Einstein look like a douchebag…

And second, something I’d actually love to see in real life, a business meeting, conducted like it were an online message board or something equally trivial.