You are not Banksy

Fun photo set by Nick Stern recreating some of the more famous works of Banksy with live models. More can be found here.


3 Things: Booze

Interestingly, web feed this morning has had a lot of alcohol related videos for some reason. Here are the highlights…

First, a really fun compilation of beer opening methods.

…topped by this guy using a chainsaw:

Opening Beer with Chainsaw

And finally, what could indeed be the world’s best bartender; though admittedly, I’d want him to just poor the damn drinks if I were a patron…

World’s Best Bartender

Also as extra, this beer commercial with Charlie sheen is quite fun.

Supercut of the day: Every Shout Out To The Roots Ever

Nice compilation of what’s probably the only reason to watch Fallon.

History of Whistling | cdza

Was pointed to this fun Pianist in Paris video, a Watch the Throne parody; but their History of Whistling, chronicling 26 songs over 98 years ended up being much more entertaining.