Ghosts of Gemini

Ghosts of Gemini

NASA have recently released several photos from their archives, taken during the flights of Gemini, the often overlooked tech testing phase that took place between the Mercury and the Apollo space program.

One haunting image in particular is that of doomed astronaut Ed White wrapped in shadows and looking uncannily like Brad Pitt for some reason (looked nothing like him in general). Anyhow, the rest of the images can be found here.

Touché Technology

From the last company I’d have pegged to develop an awesome new technological advancement (though it kinda makes sense), Disney Research have released this video of their Touché interactive system that is both simple in it’s approach and incredibly versatile; by being applicable to almost any surface, be it water, wood or tasty, tasty human, the practical possibilities of this is huge.

Hell, the five examples they give at the end of this five minute video are amazing enough, but the more I think about it afterwards, the potential applications really do seem limitless. Check it.

3 Things: Loud Noises

I’m not even sure what you call this process of… er, using non-music based objects to create tunes; I’m sure there’s a term for it and I’m not thinking right today, but whatevers. It’s cool.

First off is the original DOOM video game theme played on eight floppy drives:

Old favourite one of Radiohead’s Nude on an array of old computer components:

And finally, I couldn’t figure out which video from these guy’s channel to choose from, but eventually settled on In the Hall of the Mountain King (though in retrospect, something mathematically Mozart would be wonderfully appropriate).

Either way, musical Tesla coils. Are. Awesome.