Goddamn Mondays

Woke up this morning to the sound of glass smashing. Thanks crappy garage door and insane winds combo. You’re a winner.

Meanwhile, well aware how behind I am, have taken measures to catch up on the fact that I’ve not been watching movies that much. Not as much as usual anyhow. And I seem to be buying lots of DVDs buts not watching them all. I won’t mention the exact number/ratio to the total number of DVDs, but it’s pretty bad. So the current aim is to watch about two or three movies watched per day till I’ve caught up, which ain’t too impractical of a number, it’ll just take a while… maybe a few months. (yeah, that many).

Internet has been pretty quiet the last few days and everything else in general really. Well… nothing worth blogging about. Unless you can write about writing? Pfft. Boring.

So here’s an article of pure baddassery where a man wrestled with a 12 foot tiger shark for two hours to save his friend (with pictures!) here.

And a video of epic wtf proportions…

Yeah, I’m just as confused as to why I posted that too. And now I go in search of coffee, cause Mondays suck and my head feels a little like this Gary Busey gif…

The Men Who Stare At Goats Trailer

This looks good. Not gonna dub it brilliant. But it looks good.

…okay, looks pretty damn good.

New Bored to Death Trailer

My new thing to look forward to next month: Bored to Death, a new HBO series starring Jason Schwartzman as a fake private investigator and also stars the hilarious Zach Galifianakis and Ted Danson. He’s the trailer and I can’t wait.

Public Enemies and Fractal Dimensions

Caught Public Enemies on Tuesday which, while fantastically acted by all (especially Depp) and boasting great art and production designs, fell short on being a great film due to a lack of an interesting plot, next to no character development and the digital photography which while very cool and created some interesting shots, looked like a home movie in many other scenes and really took you out of the experience.

I was hoping for more expansion on the period and the settings, especially how Dillinger’s actions helped in the formation of the FBI and the bureaucracy surrounding it and the crime scene, but instead focused more on Dillinger going to one place, getting into a firefight, and then moving on to the next until more gunfights until he’s eventually shot.

Michael Mann’s a great filmmaker, one of my favourites in a way and as much as I enjoyed this film, it just felt empty and severely lacking afterwards.

Afterwards, returning to my car, it wasn’t quick to figure out that I had left my car lights on and my cellphone at home. But luckily knew someone working who could give me a jumpstart. Gotta stop doing that.

Also keep meaning to check out District 9 this week as well. Can’t escape the buzz surrounding it (not that I’m expecting it to be bad) and aside from Sunshine (which I love to death), it’s been years since there’s been a really, really good sci-fi film since Minority Report. Probably check it out tomorrow.

In the meantime, there’s this brilliant special article at New Scientist about the many different theoretical dimensions, leading up to string theory (which gets to be too much for me sometimes) and is a good change from dark matter, which New Scientist has been pretty hung up on recently. Mind fuckery to be read here.

Live! From the Hovering Robot Circus!

Rejoice! As Depressing Comic Week returns to Cyanide and Happiness. {previous weeks here and here).

Laugh! As a man locked out of his house is forced to break back in while dressed up with a sword and ammo belt for a fancy dressed party get the armed offenders squad called out on him. [article]

Amaze! As you read the background of current music obsession, the rapper known as Cage (Chris Palko). Either through his wiki page, this feature article or this interview.

Enjoy! The website of the awesomeness that is Beck. The man has been posting some brilliant stuff, ranging from videos to interviews and all should see. [beck.com]

Inception Teaser

Just a teaser and not much too it, but damn I’m excited. Announced this year, began filming only a month ago, teasers already out and it’ll be released less than a year away. Christopher Nolan is efficient if not brilliant. (He’s totally brilliant).

Keeping it Simple

Still pretty tired and have to wake up early in the morning so keeping this even briefer.

Cracked.com is great. This new post Clippy Finally Messes With the Wrong Word Doc is pretty amusing.

So is this of a Man Glued to Toilet Seat.

New Scientist presents the Mystery of the Missing Mini-Galaxies and my mind went a little missing reading it.

And finally a very cool Lego animated video tribute to the 8-bit games of yesteryears. Cheers to Fin for the awesomeness there.

Pretty Brahsome

Good ol’ VG Cats. Now useless at updating regularly, but ever now and again you get treated to some fried gold.

This One is Mostly About Movies

Still fairly tired from the weekend out so this’ll probably be brief.

Caught the 3D Avatar preview and I gotta say, it was pretty damn awesome. Well worth the hype and I so can’t wait to see it in full at the end of the year.

Also watched Inglourious Basterds and that was most enjoyable for the most of it. Friends definitely liked it more than me, I just wish Mike Myers didn’t have to be in it, or at least wish he had less screen time and a non speaking role.

Other damn fine movies watched this week were Coraline which was gorgeous and wonderfully terrifying, check it out and in 3D if you can. Ip Man was a brilliant martial arts bio-pic, think those kind of films like Walk the Line and Ray, but instead of music, it’s kick-ass baddassery. Also, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People was surprisingly good, but not great… watched some other films as well, but too tired to remember them anymore.

Was hoping to see the first trailer for Christopher Nolan’s new film Inception in front of Inglourious Basterds, but I guess non-US countries or New Zealand at least, doesn’t get that pleasure. Strangely not online yet, but apparently it will in a few days time. Found myself enjoying the simple nothingness of the official website for now.

Right, enough yabbering, gonna check out some of these Real Groovy purchases (still a consumer whore) and then sleep. Night.

Shaped Exactly Like The Earth

Slow day. Trying to configure phone to be able to blog on the go and solve quantum physics equations. Having more success with the quantum physics.

Everyone watched the new Avatar teaser trailer yet? Half the internet already seems to have. Fin’s got some nice screencaps from it on his blog here. There hasn’t been much publicity about the 15 minute 3D previews this weekend which is kinda good, cause I don’t want to risk not getting a ticket so shhhhhh!

Friend Rocky started up a blog this week where he plans to post a photo from around London once per day. He’s already behind, but with his lifestyle sometimes, I’d understand why. [P365 – A Photo A Day]

And then this great article from stuff.co.nz had me gut laugh a bit:

Sting backfires as Aussie police PC hacked
An Australian police boast on TV about breaking up an underground hacker forum has backfired after hackers broke into a police computer system.

Security consultants say police appear to have been using the computer as a honeypot to collect information on members of the forum but the scheme came undone after the officers forgot to set a password. [full article]