Quick Update

What has been a relatively relaxed few days, if not week has suddenly turned into near madness. Just yesterday, was commited to filming a short film for the most of next week which I’m still not sure how that happened. Reconfirmed and had a sit down today over a music video to be filmed in a few weekends time. Did some quick redesigns for passes yesterday for the Masquerade Ball this weekend (actually, thats not as intense, but added with the other stuff all coming in one day, it still warrants mentioning) and other general stuff in my life that really needs to be dealt with, not withstanding my tax returns which need completing if I don’t want to go to jail. Awesome.

Japanese Goblin Sharks are scary too.

Shut Up and Deal

Been an interesting past few days. Got to catch up with friends, have drinks and move a piano out of my room and into a trailer where I played various tunes on it while being driven through the town with quite the few confused onlookers thinking “what the hell?” Have videos and photos of it, but I seem to have misplaced nearly every cable I’ve had need of.

But yeah, I’ve finally got rid of the piano in my room I bought on a whim by selling it off to a friend on a whim over a poker game. Awesome.

Also shifted around a bit of the arrangement in my room so along with the missing piano, there’s a helluva lot of floorspace in my room. I’ll be getting my carpenter Jesus hat on this week to build me some shelves for the DVDs which have continued to arrive in the mail (sweet) but keep draining my bank account (not sweet).

Many other stuff to blog about but I’ve been watching old Billy Wilder films and I’m all out of time and must go.

An Email From a Friend, I’m Sure He Won’t Mind…

This is a story all about how my life got flip turned upside down. I’d
like to take a minute just sit right there I’ll tell you how my i
ended up sitting on Khyber pass road with my car disabled typing this
on my phone because i have nothing better to do. Installer services
“Damn We’re good” agreed to install a car alarm plus immobiliser today
at a cost of $450 and an hour of my time. He turned up late, we had to
drive somewhere else where i could have just met him anyway. I went to
work, waited the four hours expected. Waited two more. Called, was
told rudely that it would be done very soon. On pressing it turns out
the siren wasn’t working and they run a mobile service without backup
equipment. He got assistance from another guy who also didn’t have a
backup. He calls thirty mins later to say the installation failed,
they’ll finish on friday … Forget about my schedule. I turn up at 4
as agreed, he turns up half an hour late again. I politely ask Why My
Bumper Appears To Be Broken Now. He doesn’t know anything about it.
Refuses to give me an invoice without me paying first until i get
really angry… He drives off, i drive to Khyber, wait at a red light
in rush hour traffic, and then the car cuts out. With no power, even
after diverting energy from shields, someone gives me enough room in
two lanes of traffic to back my car, rolling, down the hill until i
get enough momentum to get off the road… And unfortunately block the
guy with the camera ticketing people that drive up the bus lane,
making him unhappy. He was thankfully understanding. Alarm installs
take up to four hours normally i’m told. I’ve been sitting here an
hour, he got here fifteen minutes ago with a new alarm unit. That’s my
reverse bel air, via gmail j2me app. More details to come.

Wheel of Fun!

Have become a devout fan of Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show. At first was really wierded by it and couldn’t get my head around what the hell was going on, but now I love what has been described as “a cross between Letterman, Pee-Wee Herman, Steve Irwin, Emeril, and a Japanese schoolgirl on meth”. What’s not to like?

Don’t Fuck With Vin Diesel eh?

This is like a viral marketing promo or something for Mathieu Kassovitz’s new film Babylon AD. It has Vin Diesel in in. He’s Vin Diesel.

You Don’t Mess With the Hundred Acre Wood Gang

While I’ve been busy, the internet seems to have been quiet. Well, except for Whinnie-the-Pooh still kicking arse and taking names. And wallets.

Japanese police have arrested a 20-year-old man who attacked and robbed two people after they stared at his Winnie-the-Pooh costume, officials have said.

Masayuki Ishikawa was hanging out on a Tokyo street corner after midnight last month while wearing the cuddly costume, accompanied by two friends dressed as a mouse and a panther, when he took offence at being stared at, police said.

Fairly plain and simple article which makes one go, “heh… odd”. Until I hit the last sentence…

Ishikawa and his friends beat up the two victims and stole US$160 from them, the spokesman said, adding the group had apparently donned the unusual garb because they had run out of clean clothes.

When I run out of clothes, I just re-wear them. On most days it may give more to a hobo look and smell, but I just know it’ll be in fashion once that robot invasion is underway and we start living in a post-apocalyptic world battle with them. I’m so ahead of my time.

Full and slightly longer article here.

Consumerism is Awesome

So I’m back in Hamilton now. Friday was a day of still recouping and hanging with friends, especially Tanya’s goodbye which was both emotional and a very drunken time for me. Which was great and completely what I needed given how intense the whole week has been.

So great I spent the next day recovering from my hangover with a friend trading and buying DVDs which totally goes back on my plans to spend nothing this month, but screw it, there were a ridiculous number of deals and specials going around and so I ended up buying about eight DVDs, two comic books and came home to find packages containing nine more DVDs and all have been re-arranged on a new shelf I also acquired in Auckland, but still provides not enough space for all my DVDs, so its back to finding and buying another shelf (which would make for a fifth) and hoping that by the time I do, I wouldn’t have bought so much more stuff that it wont fit.

But yeah, totally failed on the whole not buying things, but screw it, I’m a consumer whore like that. Actually, come to think of it, there’s still about five more DVD’s coming in the mail… mega fail.


Didn’t end up sleeping last night and kept working. Managed to get at least an hour of sleep during the day. Finally finished this evening. Have just eaten. Having some beers right now. Need sleep. Proper post tomorrow.

Glarg Ugh Wargh…

It’s two in the morning. Been working all day editing and re-editing and then scrapping everything and starting a completely new edit which up to now is almost finish, but wont be finalised until early tomorrow morning, which doesn’t leave much room for recuts or anything. Oh and now I’m also an Astronaut to be onstage, which is at least something different and fun if only for a little bit.

But yeah, I’m still working and pretty tired and still have a six o’clock wake up to have in four hours. Hell, I’m not even blogging this from my own hotel room which I’ve yet to set foot in.

Fun times.