Jibba Jabba

Well the cold snap is over and I’m drinking some lovely red wine right now when I should really be getting some rest for this weekend.

Have to wake up at 8-9ish and make my way to Pukekoe to do a talk/help out with some school kids, I’m not even sure what exactly I’m meant to do, but its on the way to Auckland as thats where I’ll be for the film fest of course. Lots to see this weekend and hopefully I’ll make it to them all.

Meanwhile there seems to be a lot of people I know flying away this week. My mum took off to visit family and have a holiday, my brother should be back from his jazz band tour in Tonga (I think thats where he went), one I know is headed to the states, one I think is heading back from the states soon, another two are headed to Thailand and one will keep going to Europe and I think I’m forgetting some others, but can’t remember who or where anymore. Random.

But anyway, the Cinematography prize from the 48 competition arrived this week and its a neat little 3CCD HD camera that records straight to an SD card and also has a portable 40Gb hard drive that you can transfer stuff to and copy to a computer later, which is pretty cool, but the camera is a little difficult to manage on a ‘pro’ scale of manual focus, which makes it more of a home handicam that shoots in hi-def, but its still a neat very tiny gadget that will hopfully become useful to something in the not too distant future.

But anyway, this’ll be a nice getaway for a while watching movies and catching up with friends this weekend, so here goes with the fun. Once I get some sleep, man I’ve got to learn to go to bed earlier.

In the meantime, check out this sweet random video called Jedi Gym. It’s amusing, but if you watch the whole thing, it has a great payoff that I think is great.