Youtube stuff

Got nothing, but the internet provides everything…

Kick-arse cool new Michel Gondry advertisment for Motorola (who always have the really cool film savy ads).

Video of a human flip book using a t-shirt, which is just awesome and one of those, why didn’t I think of that ideas. Making of video follows afterwards.

And finally, a US promo for 30 Rock, which is very cool, featuring another very cool guy…

Best Ever Movie Review Ever

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, but decided I’d leave it to a post onto its own…

Go watch Stardust.

If you’ve already seen it, go watch it again. If you don’t want to go alone, I’ll totally come along to see it again with you. And if you don’t want to see it… I’ll just hate you with full blown Nazi AIDS hate.

I’ve gone on about it before about how its like one of my all time favourite super awesome-o mega loved books and I’ve always read good things from the authour about how excellent an adaptation of the book it is and just watching the trailers about how sexy cool awesome it is and having watched it… holy crap my pants giga awesome it sure as hell is indeed. Great adaptation. Totally fun. Awesome everything. And I soiled myself with such delight watching it, my bowel movements were also applauding the film.

Best movie review ever? Yeah, best movie review ever… man, I’d love one of those taglines of mine to be used on a film poster one day…

“You’ll shit your pants with awesome!” -Chris Tan

Doot Doot Doot

Yeah, its been nearly a week, but I’ve been busy being lazy.

Over the weekend, I worked and finally finished my role on Michelle’s Wintec short that again, the actual title eludes me, but I’ll find out again soon enough. Was a fun shoot, back to the old minimal crew, maximus workload approach of fimmaking which I always enjoy immensely, and find utterly tiring at the same time. But don’t get me wrong, its been a really good shoot and I constantly cross my fingers that she’s happy with the results. Half the time I was really unsure about myself, the other half I just kept thinking she’s not throwing anything at you, it must be okay so far… Cause, you know, thats what girls do all the time with me. Throw things. Like clothes…

Anyway, the big surprise of this post to everyone will really be the fact that this is my second day not smoking (well, half of one shouldn’t really count), but yeah, I had a long overdue appointment with the dentist the other day and part of the things I’m to keep up with afterwards include… (a) no smoking, (b) no drinking, (c) no hot drinks and (d) rest.

And you know what? I’ve been doing all of those things. Kinda normal things that most people do. And yet, I’ve been surrounded by tobacco and alcohol and a recently bought batch of coffee that’s not being touched… plus going to sleep and stuff… it’s like my personal hell come to life.

Seriously, how do people function on these ‘no’ principles?!

Well, this weekend will have some long overdue drinking going on, coffee I’ll be touching pretty soon, sleep… yeah, this post isn’t coming too late yet and the smoking… Well so far, its actually not been too bad. I’ve been using nicotine patches which pretty much supply that need, but its just the whole routine of having a cigarette that is making me feel funny at times and jonesig for a smoke, but fuck it, I like smoking, I hate the side effects that come from it, of course, I’m not an idiot, and yeah, my chances of finding a nice girl go down, but its not like I’m looking for anyone anymore, but its a deliciously fun vice to have.

In saying that though, I’m actually gonna see how long I can last with this no smoking thing. I can see myself quitting and really, so far, its not that hard. But I’ve got no real drive yet to quit and no, I’m not waiting for a last minute sign like shitting a lung out on my next bowel movement, but I still enjoy the process and quitting has been on its way, but it can still take its time just a little longer.

Quetzalcoatl Eats Plums

Nothing new to report, but if you own a copy of the fantastically awesome film The Fountain try checking out a separate audio commentary Aronofsky recorded because the studio were a bunch of stingy douchebags. Available from his website, its a bitch to synch up with the wrong player and the thing was obviously recorded for a NTSC runtime, instead of our local PAL format, but its still a good commentary. Actually, its sporadic and he doesn’t actually properly discusses anything as to the symbolisms or meaning of the film itself, but… yeah… screw it, you can download it directly here.

…Or watch these videos of some scary morphing robot face things that can imitate your facial structure and project your face onto it.

The video of me beating up a busload of terroists with one arm behind my back had to be taken down unforutantely, as there’s been too many complains of people overdosing on awesome. Pity.

Its 10 Below and Falling…

Another long weekend of filming stuff and beating up pro wrestlers. But this Wintec short is coming up on its last weekends, mostly pick ups to be done next week and… actually, yeah, that’ll be it apart from the onlining I’ve agreed to be in on.

After its over, I’m pretty keen to try and sit back, ignore things for a while and perhaps, eventually, as many nice and concerned friends have been brining up recently, to relax with the whole other peoples stuff and try focusing on my own things again. And I agree, but I don’t think my frame of mind is there. Not yet.

But this was a good weekend for a change. Had an interesting and good drinking night Friday, sweet relaxed shooting day on Saturday and fairly full on, but still easy Sunday. Caught up with some old friends, though briefly, still worthwhile, a copy of Sopranos season two I’ve been waiting on for ages now finally came in and already I’m into my semi-marathon watching of its awesomeness again. Oh and to top it off, just discovered that this site is now the first result when my name is googled… stoked!

Meant to post this earlier, but kept slipping my mind. Continual congrats to the good folk of Downending films as they’ve secured themselves a DVD deal for Down by the Riverside, been creating extra features, playing with cover designs (image linked below, I hope they don’t mind) and have been keeping all up to date with their shiny new blog.

Wanna Buy A Monkey?

Workload has crept up on me out of nowhere. Well, not nowhere, I could have avoided such a pile up, but… meh… I’m still lethargic from the weekend. But in the next day or two I’ve got a stack of unmarked assignments to finish off, an article for the university’s magazine to write, video to edit and just general paperworks to sort out. Pity I used my recent day off to watch a whole season of the Sopranos instead.

Ah well, I’ll finish my shift tomorrow, mark the assignments, get annoyed and channel that energy towards the article (cheekily titled “I Hate It Here”) and by then, be so tired, I’ll hit a creative high in cutting together this video.

Meanwhile, just got off msn with Eric Zhang if those who read this know who that is. Bitch came back to New Zealand and is living in Dunedin at the moment doing doco research work, which is both cool and surprising. He’s also got a doco idea in the pipeline which sounds pretty damn interesting to say the least. But yeah, just thought I’d mention it, cause I’ve got to pad these posts a bit if there’s to be any regular updating.

Longest Weekend Nominee

Friday was a false start to the weekend, where there was no work, not much that needed doing and just a lot of general creative activities including mask making (which was fun and involved working with paper mache, which I haven’t done in a long time).

Saturday I woke up at seven in the morning after very little sleep, even though I knew I should have and filmed on this yet to be titled wintec project all day until five-ish, six. Had about a half hour to prepare and shot straight out again for more filming, this time at the Great Race masquerade ball. This time with an even heavier camera and a lot more people to dodge.

Eventually finishing up at three in the morning, I got myself a bit more sleep for more filming at eight, which was interrupted a few hours into it by having to rush home and move in a piano. Rush back for more filming and I finish up about four to come home for some rest, catch up with Ross (back from a most envious time in Wellington) and then out to work again for the night, where I was nearly dead on my feet and screwing up an unbelievable amount of amusing times.

Still awake for some reason, I’ve now hit that plateau of so little sleep and exhaustion, I’m not really tired any more and nothing can touch me.

But yeah, the masquerade ball was a very pretty event as always. Being in with the organisers, its actually much more interesting on the behind the scenes of things, than it is as a patron. Mind you, in saying that, next year I’ll just go as a patron, rather than a worker. Its much easier that way.

Meanwhile, there’s now a piano in my room. And a big one at that, it’s actually slightly bigger than most pianos I’ve been around and a bit more than I was expecting. But yeah, it’s in my room. I’ve always been amused by some stories or jokes where someone comes out of something (most often a crazy night out) and some action has come back to haunt them. Out of boredom, exhaustion and being underwhelmed, I bought a piano. And it’s in my room.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the piano. But it’s like this thing I remember from somewhere in family guy (I’m guessing) and they’re saying “if you just ignore it, it’ll go away” and pull out and theres a cow (or something) right there in the room with them… yeah, for me its a big ass piano. I’m gonna have to try and convince the flatmates that it’s a good idea to move the bastard into the lounge instead. The out of placeness and monstrosity of this piano is freaking me out a bit.

Meanwhile Ross had a great time in Wellington being accepted as a shortlister for First Writer’s Initiative (remembered the name this time) and I finally got around to reading his accepted script and it’s got potential to be good. Really good. So all the best as he keeps using that alien brain of his to write stuff (which I’m starting to not do very well anymore).

Actually, the tiredness is coming back to me now. After this weekend and all previous shoots for that matter, I’m now formulating a general set of rules for myself on how I’m approaching anymore filmwork…

No free corporate/wedding/etc work.
Read the script before committing to anything.
Plan the hell out of everything.
Don’t say yes so quick, just because she’s hot.
Don’t compromise so much other regular activities to work on a project.
Don’t buy pianos on a whim.

Actually, it sounds like I’m complaining about working on this wintec shoot, but I’m not. I’m actually really enjoying myself. I’m just so exhausted from doing all the work on my own, which I always seem to get myself into doing and unfortunately prefer it that way. And yeah, people are right, I should take a break for a while, but… actually, there is no excuse, I just should. But I’m a film whore like that I guess. Got another short film coming up, possibly acting in another, possible music video to do too, wanna get onto writing and rewriting some stuff and oh yeah, lots of footage sitting around that needs editing. After those, I’ll take a break. Actually, I’ll probably be accepting more stuff again in no time soon just because I like the person offering. But one things is for sure, I will not to go out buying pianos at the drop of a hat next time.

Elmo De Niro

Always loved the muppets. Like total man love. And always found it amusing that Jim Henson and all were hippies and that there was a rumor that when they went to England to produce the muppets, they hid copious amounts of drugs in their puppets’ eyeballs. Amusing, but after watching this video, I suddenly realized how wacked out it must be for a hippie to see talking puppets on screen. Hell, right now I’m sober and I don’t do drugs, but watching this video, I’m totally tripping balls.

Shoot Em Up Stuff and Thumb Club

New red band trailer for Shoot ‘Em Up is online at the official website or you can just watch the Youtube version here. You’ll have to go through a whole age verification for it, but it’s worth it for the awesomeness that is Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti. Hell, theres a clip thats from the opening of Clive Owen delivering a baby, while shooting up a whole wharehouse full of bad guys. Ridiculously over the top fun.

In fact it’s so over the top, here is a clip where Owen and Monica Belluci are getting it on and even if they get interrupted by some more bad guys, don’t matter to Clive, they keep having sex and he keeps shooting people. Awesome.

Also, new red band trailer for Beowulf, which is just looking more and more scarily realistic, yet fake at the same time.

And Finally, a video which I was at first going meh, another fight club reproduction by over zealous fans, but hell, its still amusing and its rather scary at times at what lengths they went to reproduce the lighting and imagery of the original film.

Cure for Pain

Not long after posting last night, I went to go to bed and on cue, the same throbbing pain came along. So it wasn’t long till another trip to the emergency center where I had to wait an excruciating period of time for a nurse first, then the doctor, then a much needed pain killer med that felt so good.

For the last few nights I’ve been getting so little sleep and being kept up by such irritating pain, I was just exhausted at that point. Once the pain subsided, lying down became a priority and I simply fell asleep there on the clinic bed and out cold.

Very strange feeling to have slept soundlessly for so long and to wake up in a strange room with a doctor looming over you. I wonder if it was anything like how someone feels after having an emergency or accident and suddenly being in a hospital or something similar. Bah, nothing at all I’m sure. I knew where I was prior to sleeping, but the feeling of waking up somewhere strange and not yet knowing where you are, yeah, always awesome that.

Anyway, the doctor last night was a lot more open eared and actually perscribbed some proper meds for me. So far they’re working, but I can still feel a bit of the painful sensation every now and again, even if I’m not feeling the pain, I can still feel what I know would be painful if I didn’t have any good old pain meds.

Anyway, sleep then a fresh class of students to teach tomorrow afternoon. Arrangements with its current owner and I should be owning said piano on Sunday. Awesome.